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Plus: Is muscle loss inevitable as we age?
Plus: These dietitians taste-tested 10 kinds of protein powder to crown a winner
Plus: How often should you swap out your training shoes?
Plus: Go behind-the-scenes with World's Strongest Man, Mitchell Hooper
Plus: How to train your brain, a warm-up for pain-free hip thrusts, and more.
Plus: A squat variation for stronger, more stable knees and ankles
Plus: A workout for your feet, the truth about bodyweight training & more!
Plus: This unique non-profit is helping veterans through exercise and nutrition
Plus: How to fix your cable kickbacks, two moves for bigger biceps, and more.
Plus: A simple swap to grow your calves, how to prevent running-related injuries, and more.
Plus: Five popular exercises you should avoid, 12 best back exercises, and more.
Plus: A hack to snack smarter, an interview with Jocko, and more.