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  • Edition #43 | Charlie Lawrence Broke the 50-Mile World Record

Edition #43 | Charlie Lawrence Broke the 50-Mile World Record

Plus: discover the best diet for you, 5 simple steps to maintain healthy joints, and more.

Good morning and welcome to The Weekly Rep, the official newsletter of fitness. Shoutout to the new readers this week! We now have 15,240 readers.

In today’s edition:

  • Discover the best diet for you

  • 5 simple steps to maintain healthy joints

  • An exclusive interview with the 50-mile world record holder

  • Several ways to improve your sleep

  • The gym routine of an Olympic marathoner

Let’s dive in 💥


The Ab Routine of the NFL’s Best Running Back

The core routine of San Francisco 49ers Christian McCaffrey is not for the weak. It's a challenge that even we struggled through. But we’ll be the first to tell you, the burn in our abs lasted for days. Now, if you're truly up for the challenge, see if you have what it takes to complete the workout. Here are the exercises you’ll be performing:

  • Suitcases

  • Floating flutter kicks

  • Oblique crunches

  • Side to sides

  • Floating scissor kicks

  • High Russian twists

The Gym Workout of a 2:09 Marathon Runner

Stephen Scullion is a professional marathon runner training for the upcoming Olympics. And like any athlete, strength training plays an incredibly important role in his overall routine. Now, you may be thinking, “can lifting even do anything for runners?” The short answer — absolutely.

But how you may ask? Well, he’ll explain it best in this video where he walks you through the gym routine he does weekly.

Try This Killer Full-Body Workout

Looking to take your fitness game to the next level? Look no further than this incredible full-body workout. Crafted by fitness trainer Aubrie Edgington, this routine is guaranteed to push your limits and leave you feeling stronger than ever. Don't wait any longer — put your stamina to the test and conquer this workout today!


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Charlie Lawrence Broke the 50-Mile World Record — But He’s Not Surprised

For most people, breaking a world record would be no small feat. For marathoner Charlie Lawrence, it was inevitable. 

After crossing the finish line of his world-record-breaking race in November 2023, Lawrence was anything but surprised. “I don’t want to say it was anti-climatic,” Lawrence says when asked how he felt post-race, “but I finished and I was pretty fatigued, and Allison [Lawrence’s girlfriend] grabbed me, and I said, ‘I told you I was gonna do that.’ That’s all I said.”

While some might take an ‘I told you so’ as a sign of arrogance, Lawrence’s confidence had humble beginnings. After missing all of 2022 with a grade-four sacral stress fracture, the marathoner was faced with a setback that instead of discouraging him, inspired him to push himself to his limits. 

Throughout his training and rehab sessions, Lawrence would frequently tell his girlfriend, “‘I want to break this world record. I’m going to break it.’ And she’d be like, ‘You’re in the pool; you haven’t run in months. Why are you saying this?’” 

Despite the doubts that came from his stress fracture and time away from running, Lawrence spent months training and picturing himself breaking the record. Come race day, he was ready to prove he wasn’t just talk.

…DO 🙌

Master Your Sleep

Thanks to decades of scientific research, we know more than we ever have about sleep. However, it seems the majority of people continue to ignore the facts surrounding sleep or are uninformed and, as a result, are messing with their long-term health. In just 1 hour, become an expert on sleep with the advice of Dr. Andrew Huberman.

…TRY 💯 

Functional Pressing Exercises

Do all your pressing exercises involve a bench? If that’s the case, you may want to rethink your strategy before your next push/chest workout. Why? Well, find out from Jason Pak as he explains what to consider doing instead.

…EAT 🍗

Dynamite Chicken + Crispy Potatoes

This meal prep dynamite chicken recipe is truly an explosion in your mouth. And with crispy potatoes on the side to provide the carbohydrates to fuel your workouts, this recipe from Zach Chug is one we’ll be coming back to time and time again. With 38g of protein, 39g of carbs, and only 10g of fat per serving, we think you’ll feel the same way as us after giving it a try!

…FIX 💪

Your Front Squat

So you back squat and are wondering why you’d consider adding front squats to your routine, right? Or maybe you’ve just begun front squatting and your form is all over the place. In either case, this video from Jeff Nippard breaks down the benefits and walks you through the lift so you can nail it.


Your Dietary Needs

Everyone is different. That’s why it’s so important to find the diet that works best for you and your lifestyle rather than following a cookie cutter diet you find on the internet. And even though it’s best to seek the advice of a doctor or nutritionist, this macro calculator is a great place to start!


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