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  • Edition #30 | Dean Stott Cycled 14,000 Miles in Under 100 Days

Edition #30 | Dean Stott Cycled 14,000 Miles in Under 100 Days

Plus: 5 workout cues to help you, a must-know technique for muscle growth, and more.

Good morning and welcome to The Weekly Rep, the official newsletter of fitness. Shoutout to the 125 new readers this week! We now have 12,766 readers.

In today’s edition:

  • The best Black Friday + Cyber Monday fitness deals of 2023

  • Inside Dean Stott’s record-breaking 14,000-mile bike ride

  • A must-know intensity technique for muscle growth

  • 5 workout cues to help you train harder

  • New releases from GHOST, CELSIUS, and Ryse

Let’s dive in 💥 


The World’s Smartest Intensity Technique for Muscle Growth

In a world with hundreds of ways to train, this evidence-based approach is certainly one of the best. But what is it? Well, for that answer, you should go ahead and watch this incredible breakdown from Jeff Nippard. In under 12 minutes, you’ll learn the science behind the technique, how to perform it correctly, and the top 3 common mistakes people make.

If you’re looking to maximize the time you have in the gym, this training technique may be for you! Watch Jeff’s breakdown here.

10-Minute Isometric Core Workout

Developing a strong core comes with numerous benefits from better balance to increased overall strength. And while there’s no need to incorporate a core routine into every workout, including one like this 10-minute core workout from trainer Caroline Girvan 2 to 3 times a week will make a noticeable difference in your fitness level in a matter of weeks. Even if you already have a go-to core routine, performing these isometric exercises is a nice way to switch things up.

Follow along and give this 10-minute isometric core workout a try today!

From Skinny to Jacked: 3 Tips from a WFBB World Champion

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and wished for a more muscular physique, you’re not alone. The journey from skinny to muscular is a common aspiration for many, and it’s a goal that can be achieved with the right plan, the proper information, and some dedication. To get you started on taking the first steps toward packing on the muscle, we asked Professional Physique Athlete and WFBB World Champion Shaun Stafford what he’d recommend. 

The founder and coach at City Athletic says that he used to be “painfully skinny as a teenager,” but has now spent decades crafting an award-winning physique that’s graced the cover of numerous health and fitness magazines. Suffice it to say, Stafford clearly knows what he’s talking about.

To see his top recommendations, click here! 


Dean Stott Cycled 14,000 Miles in Under 100 Days — We Asked Him What it Was Like

As humans, we’re capable of some pretty impressive feats. From deadlifting over 1,000 pounds to cycling 14,000 miles in under 100 days, the sky’s the limit when it comes to how far we can push our bodies. Dean Stott, the man responsible for that world-record breaking 14,000-mile bike ride in under 100 days, knows this well. 

We recently got the chance to speak with the former Special Forces operative-turned-record-breaking adventurer and author to unravel the thrilling tale behind his epic bike ride and one of the most remarkable feats on two wheels. From the challenges faced on the open road to the sheer determination that fueled his journey, Stott opens up about the highs, lows, and everything in between. 

Headlines Over Sidelines: After 16 honorable years of service in the military, what led you to set the goal of cycling the entire 14,000-mile length of the Pan-American Highway? It’s our understanding you had never cycled more than a few miles prior. Where did the mental health awareness portion come from, as well?

Dean Stott: I was medically discharged from the military and told I could not run again, which affected me mentally as I had an identity crisis. My whole military career leading up to and while in the Special Forces was due to my physical attributes. I had suddenly lost that after my parachute accident. I tore my ACL, MCL, lateral meniscus, Hamstring, Calf and Quadricep.

For the next five years I worked in the private security sector building up a reputation and becoming one of the world’s leading security operators. During this period, I neglected my own physical well-being to concentrate solely on work. After a task which involved me single-handedly evacuating the Canadian Embassy from Libya, my wife Alana pointed out that something had to change as I was either going to die, or worse, get divorced. 

My injured leg was now 2kg lighter than the good leg due to muscle wastage. To help build leg strength, I bought a road bike and cycled to and from the office (8 miles each way). Cycling was a great discovery for me – not hurting my injured knee, being physically active again, getting cardiovascular activity in – I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders as I could push myself hard again.

Approaching my 40th birthday, Alana encouraged me to do something physically and mentally demanding that didn’t involve rescuing people and smuggling across borders.

My wife bought the Guinness Book of Records and we sat scanning it to pick an interesting one for me to try to beat. She pointed out “the world's longest road” – the Pan American Highway from Southern Argentina to Northern Alaska (14,000 miles/22,000km). Despite the fact that the longest distance I had ever cycled to that point was less than 20 miles, I applied for the world record, which stood at 126 days, and later became 117 days when I started training.

…DO  🙌

Follow These Workout Cues

Do you ever hear a workout cue and an exercise just suddenly clicks? It’s an amazing feeling and can lead to you feeling stronger than ever! Check out these 5 workout cues that changed the way trainer Jason Pak lifts.

…TRY 💯 

The Ultimate Recovery Solution

We've all been there, waking up after a night of celebration, feeling groggy, nauseous, and let’s be honest – just downright awful. The dreaded hangover has been an age-old companion to just about all of us, but what if there was a way to put an end to the misery? Enter No Days Wasted, a company born from a personal science project that has revolutionized how we recover from a night of a little too much fun.  

…EAT 🧑‍🍳

High-Protein Chipotle Chicken

A perfect protein choice to meal prep for the week, this chipotle chicken recipe from chef Calvin Kang will likely make its way into your rotation should you give it a try! With 105 calories and 15 grams of protein per serving, this chicken goes perfectly with a salad, rice, and dozens of other complimentary choices. Give it a try once those Thanksgiving leftovers are gone!

…FIX 💪

Your Plank

The plank is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening your core. Yet, its benefits extend far beyond that. Planking engages your entire body, leaving no muscle untouched. Additionally, planking improves your posture, reduces lower back pain, enhances your balance, and more. Avoid these common mistakes and nail your next plank with the help of Meg Takacs.


The Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

In the quest for improved health, we’ve probably all tried dozens of supplements, numerous crazy health fads, and who knows what else (looking at you, ice baths). But what if one of the easiest ways to boost your health was less than $5, and insanely easy to consume on a daily basis? Well, let us introduce you to green tea. 

  • Dad Joke of the Week

    • Q — What do you call an American bison who goes to the gym?

    • A — A buff fellow

  • When his girlfriend said he could do whatever he wants, this man knew what he had to do

  • What it’s like trying to cancel a gym membership


According to the American College of Sports Medicine, which city is known as the “fittest city” in America?

a. San Francisco, CA

b. Denver, CO

c. Seattle, WA

d. Arlington, VA

Every week, we’ll pick people at random who reply to this email with the correct answer to receive a 1-month Lift Box subscription!

Last week’s answer — 76.4 years 😎


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